What's on Tap this Week
*gluten reduced

Gluten Reduced Beers
Wheat, rye, barley…the stuff that beer is made of…contains gluten, which can wreak havoc in folks that have Celiac disease. Although we do not brew gluten-free beers (that use gluten-free malted grains such as corn, quinoa, buckwheat, and sorghum, to name a few), we are able to brew gluten-reduced beers with the traditional ingredients such as barley, wheat, spelt, rye, and other gluten-containing ingredients, but with the addition of an enzyme called AN-PEP or Aspergillus Niger Prolyl Endoprotease. This enzyme breaks the gluten down to under 20 parts per million and only targets the gluten proteins….so flavor and aroma are not affected. We have a great selection of gluten-reduced beers for you to try, you'll find they are Very Nice!

Very Nice Puppies!
Very Nice welcomes you to bring your dog to our tap room! But please follow our simple rules for the safety, consideration, and enjoyment of all of our patrons:
Dogs must be leashed and in your control at all times.
Dogs must be well behaved and quiet.
Dogs are not allowed to block aisles and are not allowed on our tables.